1. Can I gain weight with the Six Week Booty Guide
YES! This guide is designed to allow you to calculate your macros (carbohydrate/fat/protein/calorie) intake for weight gain. It is designed to aid in muscle gain to increase the size of your glutes and lower body.
2. Can I lose weight with the Six Week Booty Guide?
YES! This guide is designed to allow you to calculate your macros (carbohydrate/fat/protein/calorie) intake for weight loss. This guide has intensive calorie burning workouts, so if your aim is fat loss you can calculate your macros for a calorie deficit to lose fat and reshape your glutes to make them rounder, lifted and to reduce cellulite. This will help you have a more defined figure with lean muscle mass.
3. Are protein shakes mandatory while following the Six Week Booty Guide?
No. Protein shakes are a great way for people who lack appetite or can’t fit meals into their schedules to increase their protein and calorie intake, however they are not mandatory. You can consume food and stay on track with your macros and see results without the need for protein shakes.
4. How much weight should I use while following the Six Week Booty Guide?
This is something that varies for everyone. We all have different strengths or weaknesses. The weight you use should be challenging, meaning that it’ll be hard to finish your last 3 reps or so. It should make you feel the burn! You need to challenge your muscles to see progress, so as the weeks pass by you should increase your resistance and reps if possible.